Friday, December 18, 2009

dropped out from singapore vacation!

another misery has happened..

plan ke singapore terpaksa la dicancelkan..

sebab? saye tidak lepas imigresen mesia!!

kenapa pule? sebab saye one of the ptptn blacklisted!!

demm..i het u ptptpu coz ruining my vacation n my life. thanks A LOT for that. so berpatah balik la kami dari imigresen to the city of JB..ronda ronda CS without any interest tapi sempat singgah Sushi King melantak beberapa pinggan sushi ngan hati yang sangat sedey.. :(

kesian hubby coz i'm ruining his vacation n shopping planning in singapore..hmm..

so now what? maybe u'll gelakkan me and said "padan muka!". yeah maybe serve me right for not listening to mama n hubby yang suruh start bayar sket2..then now kena bayar lumpsum - full settlement in order to clear my name from the blacklisted thingy..

arghhh..tambah satu lagi peristiwa buruk that happened to us on 2009..