Friday, March 12, 2010

wifey is eyeing on this...

Sekian lama dok mencarik2..memikirkan should i go for laptop or..a netbook..I've made my decision.

I'll go with a netbook! ngeee..memang ni pilihan hati tapi bila orang cakap netbook ni tak banyak benda tak bole buat such as..

"u can't code using a netbook.."
"u can't play games.."

Who cares? I think I don't do code other than using my PC at office..and I'm absolutely not a gamer so I'm not playing games (and I have strong reason to not allowed kids to touch my lappy :P) main game kat PS2 sudah. So I guess the answer is so so obvious! biasala aku kan suke nak pikir banyak2 tapi last2 mengikut kata hati jugak..hehe

Bila dah confirm nak angkat netbook, once again there's a problem..netbook mana satu pulak dahhh??!

So I started looking around and I did fall in love with HP Mini 210 Series...err at first..

Tapi apakan daya bile tengok Sony VAIO Mini..aishh tak bley tahan pulak..I fall in love again dan terus lupekan yang lain..TOPPSS!!

 it's pink it's me! i loikee..

But at last, I met this cutey Dell Inspirion Mini 10..walla! Similar to VAIO and furthermore, it's DELL! Who can deny the best service of Dell, right?

and here it goes again..kaler ape pulak? pink or purple or maybe white?

I saw this Dell Inspirion Mini at Lowyat last week (or last 2 weeks) ~ cinta pandang pertama lah kirenye! haha.. and today I make some research thru the Dell's website to check out the specs with the prices. Nanti senang nak compare ngan ape yang diorang offer kat Lowyat tu kan? And for sure la akan go thru my man-behind-the-scene, Mr.Hubby as I'm not that good in saje ai conquer! :D

So now I am patiently waiting for my extra $$$ by end of this month sebelum merembatnye..just one thing, what color should I pick? :D dah selesai satu masalah, saje nak create masalah lain untuk dipikirkan..

Tunggulah ye mase nye akan tibe juge..amin!