Sunday, July 26, 2009

Wife's 27th Birthday!

Note : Photo courtesy of Hafeez | Halim | Chronicle's photostream

it's 26th July 2009...and it's my birthday! =)

i turned to 27 this year..OMG dah tua tuh! gheee..please pray for my happiness, healthiness, makin-kaya-ness (HAHA) panjang umo n murah rezeki..aminn..

as for our celebration, hubby brought me to Naili's Place USJ in the middle of the nite just to have a simple supper ~ just the two of us =)

enjoy the kelam-kelam-kaburrr pics sbb amik pakai phone camera saje okei..N i took all this pics so that's Y u don't see me in the pics (even tho i'm the b'day girl haha..)

these are our drinks...

lasagna yang dah tinggal quarter jek..

hubby yg dah hampir2 nak tido tunggu his wife asek snap gambo jek..

bday gift? gheee..i received a bottle of perfume ~ Daisy by Marc Jacob..which is one of my wishlist..very surprising that hubby actually knew that i wanna have this one (bcoz i already had the miniature n lurve it very muchies..that's Y i want a bigger bottle hehe..)

Tengkiu B! luv u so much..

And for families and frens that wished me Happy B'Day..thanks so much!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

it's time for a new sport!

bermulanya hari and hubby ade aktiviti baru..setelah lame dok menelek2 di kedai..nak beli ke tak nak beli ke tak..akhernye kitorang pun beli..

like it cost us thousand of dollars? tah apela yang ditimbang-tara kan sebelum membeli..keh keh keh..nope, it wasn't about how much it cost but "just are we gonna use it??"..
so here we are with our new......

badminton rackets and shuttlecocks!

ha-ha-ha..lamanyeeee baru nak decide nak every evening sometimes we'll beat each other..lom lagi pegi badminton court, just main kat depan umah je dulu (praktis jangan tak praktis) kekeke..

and to start with, kitorang beli la raket ni yang agak murah..huhu al maklum la main pun sekali sekala? for the time being, it's just 2 of us who played..ade sesape nak lawan? haha..but seriously, you have to bear wif me who lovess to giggle a lot during playing..i'm not sure why but i felt very funny when the racket hits the shuttlecock non-stoping..papetah kan?

anyway, it is fun to play badminton once in a while wif hubby :D who loves to bully his wife supaya berlari ke kiri n ke kanan..while his wife pun sangat suke pukul shuttlecock tinggi2 coz i know he won't be able to catch it ( be fair sometimes dapat la..hehe)

so bear wif us..pasni basikal lak kot? who knows..;)