Thursday, October 14, 2010

Baby Oh Baby : 13 weeks

Last Friday was my 3rd check up with Dr. Kham and this time i'm already 3 months pregnant. Which means, my 1st trimester is going to complete after this week ended :)

Congrats, Jamie..and congrats to my baby yang kuat semangat ni.. :)

3rd check up was good..kali ni dah nampak the whole baby's body..Alhamdulillah sangat! daripada kepala sampaila ke kaki..walaupun nampak secara 2D aje tapi baby still looks cute! :D macam2 rase ade..funny ade, terharu pun ade, x percaye pun ade..hehe

Baby is sooo active. Kaki die asyik menendang2 aje tapi for now, I won't feel anything yet..Doc said wait till 5 months, u'll feel the first kick! Can't wait for that moment rasenye. Baby's hand pun asyik bergerak2 and so as the head..and the mouth! haha..Doc cakap die tengah makan :D mesti die tengah makan nasik lemak n jagung yang i ate for breakfast hehe.. Bile tengok die macam tu, terus rase nak jage makan elok2 sebab kesian die..semua die telan aje :D

The only thing, I'm not good with nutricious foods! And the blood test result proved it..huhu..hemoglobin rendah sikit, which is 112 (supposedly 115 ke atas ~ adela range die..x ingat :D) Makanye, kena la makan makanan yang tinggi zat besi macam hati, limpa, kerang, bayam ngn macam2 lagi.. and doc cakap urine ade kotor sikiitttt so kena la makan antibiotik..tatau la takpe ke tak makan antibiotik ni? doc sume bole aje huhu..

Ubat pulak dah tukar..dapat Obimin ngan Kalsium..besaarr la jugak nak dibandingkan ngn Asid Folik aritu hehe..sibbaik la bole telan dengan bantuan air satu dua gelas..

So far, alhamdulillah..moga kesihatan bertambah baik..doa2kan la ye!

1 comment:

hafeez.halim said...

yeay!! baby dah nak besar :)